JUMP TOLoyale APIGetting StartedAuthenticationUsing your SchemeError ResponsesPaginationFiltering and SortingEnumsDates and TimesChangelogAccountForgot PasswordpostChange passwordpostActivityGet ActivitygetAuthGet TokenpostBrandGet Brand by IDgetGet BrandsgetContactGet Contacts MatchpostCouponsLinkedGet Coupons LinkedgetGet Coupon Linked by IDgetGet Coupon UsagegetCustomerGet Customer by IDgetPost CustomerpostUpdate CustomerputSuspend CustomerputLeave SchemepostJoin SchemepostDelete CustomerpostPost Profile PicturepostDelete Profile PictureputGet BalancegetGet LevelsgetExternalEventTriggerExternal Event TriggerpostGiftCardsLinkedGet Gift Cards LinkedgetGet Gift Card Linked by IDgetGet Gift Card UsagegetGroupGet Group by IDgetGet GroupsgetHelpersFiltering and Sorting for Get CurrenciesGet CurrenciesgetFiltering and Sorting for Get CountriesGet CountriesgetFiltering and Sorting for Get TownsGet TownsgetLevelGet Level by IDgetGet LevelsgetMessagePost a new messagepostOutletGet Outlet by IDgetGet OutletsgetPostsLinkedGet Post Linked by IDgetGet Posts LinkedgetPushTokenPost Push TokenpostReplace Push TokenpostDelete Push TokendeleteGet Push Token by ValuegetSchemeGet Scheme by IDgetTransactionGet Transaction by IDgetGet Gain RategetGet Transactions GroupedgetGet TransactionsgetLoyale Legacy POS ApiGetting StartedAuthGenerate an access token for an Admin user.postExternalPosGet User InformationgetRegister a new TransactionpostSimulate a new TransactionpostRegister a new Refund TransactionpostGet Coupon InformationgetGet Information on Updated CustomersgetRegister a new Top Up TransactionpostCreate an OnHold transactionpostRedeem an OnHold transactionpostRemove an OnHold transactiondeleteLoyale POS ApiGetting StartedCouponsLinkedGet List of Coupons LinkedgetGet Coupons LinkedgetGet Coupon LinkedgetGet Coupon Linked by IDgetGet Coupon Linked by BarcodegetUse Multiple CouponspostUse a Coupon LinkedpostCustomerPost CustomerpostFiltering and Sorting of Get CustomersGet CustomersgetGet List of CustomersgetGet CustomergetGet Customer by IDgetGet Customer by BarcodegetGet Customer BalancegetGet Balance by Customer IDgetGet Balance by Customer BarcodegetGet Customer LevelsgetGet Levels by Customer IDgetGet Levels by Customer BarcodegetGet Customer OffersgetCreate a Guest CustomerpostJoin a Guest to the SchemeputExternalEventTriggerExternal Event TriggerpostExternalPosPost Transaction SimulatepostGiftCardGet a List of Purchasable Gift CardsgetGiftCardsLinkedGet List of Gift Cards LinkedgetGet Gift Cards LinkedgetGet Gift Card LinkedgetGet Gift Card Linked by IDgetGet Gift Card Linked by BarcodegetUse a Gift Card LinkedpostActivate a list of Gift Cards LinkedputGenerate a list of Gift Cards LinkedpostTransactionGet Transaction by IDgetGet TransactionsgetIntegration API (Beta)Getting StartedTransaction ReturnsReturn a full transactionpostReturn a specific line item from a transactionpostReturn a custom transactionpostTransactionsProcess a transactionpostRetrieve transaction status by unique IDgetPowered by Get Gift Card Linked by IDget deprecatedhttps://api.loyale.io/api/Pos/GiftCardsLinked/{giftCardLinkedId}This endpoint returns one gift card linked by the id.