Post Transaction Simulate

Requires: Admin Token
{companyId} will be an id identifying the franchise this request is being made from, provided by Loyale.
{companyId} will be an id identifying the outlet this request is being made from, provided by Loyale.
{wsId} will be an id identifying the POS this request is being made from.This can be provided by us and is used for informational purposes only.
{userDetail} is to be filled out by the user detail. In this case either ID Card, Mobile, Barcode.

In Body, you will send:
"saleTotal": "string",
"cashRedeemed": "string",
"saleCurrency": "string",
"chitNumber": "string",
"schemeId": "3fa85f64 - 5717 - 4562 - b3fc - 2c963f66afa6",
"lineItems": [
"id": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"unitPrice": "string",
"description": "string",
"groupId": "string"
"couponsUsed": [

SaleTotal is the total of the sale, in case of return SaleTotal would be the negative total of the sale return (ie: ‘-1.50’)
cashRedeemed is the part of the sale which was redeemed. This means that cash redeemed will be 0 if there was no redemption, or equal to SaleTotal if the whole sale was a redemption.
saleCurrency should be set to EUR
chitNumber is to be any unique identifier from your end so we identify the transaction.
schemeId is the same schemId you send in the header
lineItems can be filled in the format specified above, or left an empty array if no details about line items will be passed to loyale.
couponsUsed can be filled in the format specified above, or left an empty array if no details about line items will be passed to loyale.

You will receive back:

"saleTotal": "string",
"cashRedeemed": "string",
"saleCurrency": "string",
"chitNumber": "string",
"pointsBefore": 0,
"pointsDelta": 0,
"pointsFinal": 0,
"monetaryValueBefore": 0,
"monetaryValueAfter": 0

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!