Loyale offers an integration with Klaviyo under the Marketing category.
The integration creates a profile on Klaviyo from the details of the Loyale customer. The integration only syncs customers who have opted in to receive marketing material. The Klaviyo profile is also updated when the Loyale customer details are updated.
If a customer on Loyale opts out from receiving marketing material, the profile on Klaviyo is marked as suppressed. If that customer opts back in to receive marketing material, their profile on Klaviyou is unsuppressed.
The integration syncs the following details from Loyale to Klaviyo
Loyale | Klaviyo | Note |
CustomerId | ExternalId | |
FIrstName | FIrstName | |
LastName | LastName | |
ProfileImageUrl | Image | |
"Loyale" | Organization | |
AreaCode + MobileNumber | PhoneNumber | |
AddressLine1 | (Location) Address1 | |
AddressLine2 | (Location) Address2 | |
Town | (Location) City | |
State | (Location) Region | |
PostCode | (Location) Zip | |
Country | (Location) Country | |
Dob | Birthday | |
(Balance) PointValue | (Custom) LoyalePointBalance | |
(Balance) MonetaryValue | (Custom) LoyaleMonetaryBalance | |
Levels | (Custom) Levels | The names of the levels in a list |
Tags | (Custom) Tags | The names of the tags in a list |
AdditionalCustomerField | (Custom) | Any (public) additional customer field is also synced using the Key as the property name on Klaviyo |
Updated 11 months ago