Topic 3
Customer Leave Scheme - Triggered when a customer account leaves a scheme.
Return Type
CustomerResultView {
id?: string;
email?: string;
firstName?: string;
readonly name?: string;
lastName?: string;
dob?: Date;
gender?: Gender;
areaCode?: string;
mobileNumber?: string;
addressLine1?: string;
addressLine2?: string;
town?: string;
state?: string;
postCode?: string;
country?: string;
marketingSub?: boolean;
barCode?: string;
createdBy?: string;
updatedBy?: string;
detailedLevels?: Array<LegacyCustomerLevelView>;
schemes?: Array<CustomerSchemeResultView>;
createdDate?: Date;
updatedDate?: Date;
lastConnectedDate?: Date;
lastTransactionDate?: Date;
Levels?: Array<CustomerLevelView>;
readonly alerts?: Array<string>;
additionalCustomerFields?: Array<AdditionalCustomerFieldsResultView>;
profileImageUrl?: string;
onHold?: boolean;
deleted?: boolean;
emailVerified?: boolean;
mobileNumberVerified?: boolean;
signUpPlatform?: string;
signUpPlatform2?: SignUpPlatformView;
externalRefId?: string;
parent?: ParentAdditionalFieldsView;
customerDevices?: Array<CustomerDevicesResultView>;
balance: PointBalanceSummaryResult;
Sub Return Types
levelId: string;
tierId: string;
schemeId: string;
createdDate: Date;
updatedDate: Date;
CustomerSchemeResultView {
id: string($uuid)
name?: string
currency?: string
description?: string
website?: string
color?: string
imageUrl?: string
pointRedemptionPerCurrency: number($double)
updatedDate: Date
createdDate: Date
inLoyale: boolean
hidden: boolean
rounding: Rounding
billingStatus: SchemeStatus
franchises?: Array<FranchiseResultView>
CustomerLevelView {
customerId: string($uuid)
levelId: string($uuid)
AdditionalCustomerFieldsResultView {
customerId?: string
createdBy?: string
updatedBy?: string
id?: string($uuid)
schemeId?: string($uuid)
name?: string
key?: string
value?: string
updatedDate: Date
createdDate: Date
internal: boolean
SignUpPlatformView {
name?: string
version?: string
device?: string
appName?: string
appVersion?: string
comments?: string
CustomerDevicesResultView {
id: string($uuid)
customerId?: string
schemeId: string($uuid)
deviceName?: string
deviceVersion?: string
osName?: string
osVersion?: string
appName?: string
appVersion?: string
comments?: string
firstDevice?: boolean
createdDate: Date
updatedDate: Date
createdBy?: string
updatedBy?: string
FranchiseResultView {
id: string($uuid)
name?: string
description?: string
schemeId: string($uuid)
imageUrl?: string
imageGallery?: Array<string>
categoriesIds?: Array<string($uuid)>
categories?: Array<CategoryResultView>
outlets?: Array<FranchiseOutletResultView>
updatedDate: Date
createdDate: Date
hidden: boolean
createdBy?: string
updatedBy?: string
CategoryResultView {
id: string($uuid)
name?: string
imageUrl?: string
FranchiseOutletResultView {
id: string($uuid)
name?: string
coordinate: CoordinateView
address: AddressView
phoneNumber?: string
openingHours: Array<string?>
imageUrl?: string
updatedDate: Date
createdDate: Date
facebook?: string
instagram?: string
hidden: boolean
createdBy?: string
updatedBy?: string
CoordinateView {
latitude: number($double)
longitude: number($double)
AddressView {
addressLine1?: string
addressLine2?: string
town?: string
postCode?: string
state?: string
countryId?: string
id?: string;
email?: string;
firstName?: string;
readOnly name?: string;
lastName?: string;
dob?: Date;
gender: Gender;
areaCode?: string;
mobileNumber?: string;
addressLine1?: string;
addressLine2?: string;
town?: string;
state?: string;
postCode?: string;
country?: string;
marketingSub: boolean;
barCode?: string;
createdDate: Date;
updatedDate: Date;
lastConnectedDate?: Date;
lastTransactionDate?: Date;
profileImageUrl?: string;
onHold: boolean;
emailVerified: boolean;
mobileNumberVerified: boolean;
externalRefId?: string;
additionalCustomerFields?: Array<AdditionalCustomerFieldsResultView>;
balance: PointBalanceSummaryResult;
pointsValue: double;
monetaryValue: double;
Note: Gender, Rounding and SchemeStatus are enums, all enums can be found here.
Updated about 2 years ago
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